Monday, August 8, 2011


There is something amazing that has come out of losing Laurel and the girls – the legacy of friendship they left behind. Since their passing, I’ve come into a new group of girlfriends. A whole new group of women that loved Laurel and her girls as much as I did, but from all different angles. College roommates, fellow adoptive mothers, neighbors, collaborators, fellow school moms, the list goes on and on. And it’s incredible to me how this one woman and her three children could be loved so thoroughly, by so many different people, who are, in many cases, just now meeting each other.

And I love that I am now getting to know these women. And also, getting to know pieces of my dear friend that I didn’t know. Hearing wonderful stories about her past, her journey. What a gift to be left in the wake of such a loss. Today, I am so very, very grateful for the opportunity to get to know these women. They are proving invaluable in helping me to navigate this immense loss and the road to healing. I never could have imagined that the loss of such a cherished friend could lead to the discovery of so many more cherished friendships.

So today, as I am feeling wishful, wistful, swirly and teary, I’m also allowing this immense sense of gratitude to wash over me, buoy me. Gratitude and taking delight in my 10 month olds immense efforts at independence will get me through today.


  1. Just so you know, I am loving seeing so much of Laurel's life through her friends like you. Thank you for writing and letting me into the day to day "stuff" that I hadn't been a part of for many years. She always so valued her girlfriends and she was truly thrilled and blessed to have you all in her life.

  2. Thank you so much! I can't tell you how much it means to me...Laurel was so loved by so many people and I'm so grateful that we can all come together now.
